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90th Infantry Division drove northeast 6 miles with the 358th and 359th Infantry Regiments clearing the
important city of Darmstadt, capturing Griesheim, Grafenhausen, Worfelden and Langen.  Continuing
its advance to the northeast, the 6th Armored Division captured Raunheim and Kelsterbach.  The 16th
Cavalry Group (XX Corps) relieved  the 2nd Cavalry Group in its positions along the west bank of the
Rhine River.  By the end of the period the  2nd Cavalry Group had also been relieved of attachment to
the 26th Infantry Division, and was crossing into the bridgehead area. …"
26 March 45. "All  major units of XII Corps were well beyond the Rhine River during the
period.  The leading spearheads continued to be furnished by CCA and CCB (4th Armored Division). 
CCB bypassed Aschaffenburg and enlarged its bridgehead over the Main River at that point to a depth
of 6 miles, while CCA (supported by the attached 328th Infantry) and enlarged its bridgehead over the
Main River near Grossauheim to a depth of 4 miles.  Following closely behind the 4th Armored Division
was the 26th Infantry Division (less than 328th Infantry).  Elements of the 101st Infantry moved into
Groassauheim bridgehead, after clearing Offenthal, Urberath, Oberroden, while elements of the 104th
Infantry relieved CCB at Aschaffenburg.  Continuing to attack to the northeast, the 358th to 359th
Infantry Regiments (90th Infantry Division) captured Heusenstamm, Langen and Bieber and reached the
Main River east of Frankfurt.  To the west, the 6th Armored Division captured a damaged railroad
bridge on the Main River and pushed foot elements across the river into the once great industrial city of
Frankfurt.  Other elements of the 6th Armored Division captured Schwanheim, Kelsterbach, Raunheim,
Sachsenhausen, Offenbach and Niederrad.  Early crossing operations were hampered by heavy enemy
artillery fire, which soon abated.  Then the 10th and  11th Infantry Regiments (5th Infantry Division)
pushed north, crossed the Main River and entered Frankfurt.  Enemy small arms and automatic weapons
fire was heavy but enemy troops were almost entirely without artillery support.  Artillery with XII Corps
fired extensively in support of the action and fired upon the telephone exchange and the main power
plant at the request of the 6th  Armored Division.  The 2nd Infantry assembled at the crossing site south
of the city, after being relieved by the 2nd Cavalry Group of the zone along the Main River just east of
the Rhine River. …"