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Captured documents revealed considerable confusion among enemy units.  Interrogation of
enemy officers elicited that the communications had been badly disrupted the day before and
many units do not know what was happening.  This accounted in part for some of the 1265
prisoners captured in this one-day.
In addition, confirmation was gained at the Division's original attack on the 9th was in fact a
surprise.  Paragraph 2 of a directive issued by 13th Parachute Regiment on 10 January at 2015
hrs reads as follows:
"It is imperative that steps be taken to ascertain whether or not the American 90th
Infantry Division has been committed.  Special attention must be given to the numbers 357, 358,
359, 343, 344, 345, 915 and 315.  Prisoners identified with these numbers will immediately be
taken to the Regimental Section "Ia" (G-3).
Without doubt the Division's hard-hitting, three-day drive from its unexpected inception had
severely mauled the enemy defenses and hamstrung his efforts at withdrawal.  The next several
days would see complete collapse of the enemy salient.
The following units were considered totally wiped out: I and II Battalions, 36th Regiment.  The
Fusilier Battalion of the Fuehrer Grenadier Brigade [FGB].  The Grenadier Battalion of the FGB. 
The Begleits (Escort) Company of the FGB.  The 929th Bicycle Battalion attached to the FGB. 
The 13th Regiment of the 5th Parachute Division.  The 5th Mortar Battalion of the 5th Parachute
Division.  It was believed that most of the units of the 5th Parachute Division could no longer
operate as such, even if not completely destroyed.  [Page 10]
12 January 1945
357th Infantry:
Prior to moving forward, the regiment mopped up within its area.  Then 2nd Battalion continued
its attack to the high ground Southeast of BRAS.
358th Infantry:
0730 the regiment attacked in column of Battalions -- 1st, 2nd and 3rd -- up the draw on
regimental left.  Initial resistance was light and 1st Battalion quickly seized its objective
containing to the West as the 35th Infantry Division drove in from that direction.
2nd Battalion entering SONLEZ, had a lively skirmish with enemy elements not yet mopped up. 
Continuing on, the Battalion entered BRAS from the South.  A hot fight developed with enemy
infantry and armor who maintained an aggressive defense.  After several hours of sea-saw
battling, our troops held the lower part of BRAS but could not gain the upper terrace.
359th Infantry: