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All three battalions continued the attack meeting considerable resistance as they crossed the
German border.  Artillery and armor support greatly aided the advance.  Company A, driving on,
captured the high ground South and East of HECKHALENFELD while B Company seized the
town and 30 prisoners.  3rd Battalion seized the objective despite frequent machine gun fire from
the flank.  2nd Battalion drove the enemy from the woods and tied in with 357th Infantry on the
right.  1st Battalion linked with 359th Infantry on the left.
359th Infantry:
Plowing on through deep snow, 1st Battalion seized the high ground West of WINTERSPELT
then advanced in the afternoon to cut and block the road Southeast of WINTERSPELT.
2nd Battalion moved by motor to BURG-REULAND, marched to AUEL and set off at 1000 to
attack WALLMERATH.  Stiff resistance was encountered by Company F and the enemy still
held the North end of town at dark.  Company G, followed by Company E, closed on
WINTERSPELT which they took after passing through minefields and subduing several strong
1st Battalion at 1430 jumped off again to seize EIGELSCHEID.  Company C entered the town
against light resistance.  Company B then moved in.
3rd Battalion closed its units into AUEL and remained in regimental reserve.
In summing up, January was marked by change from a relatively static position astride the
German border in the SAAR to an [Page 30] unheralded drive through LUXEMBOURG where
the 90th sheared off the enemy salient near BASTOGNE.  Climaxing the month was the return to
GERMANY through BELGIUM and LUXEMBOURG as the Division spearheaded VIII Corps'
crossing of the OUR RIVER.
It was the Division's first real test at prolonged winter warfare.  Supply -- always a problem --
was made more difficult by the constant snowstorms and the limited road net of the narrow
Division sector.  Engineers labored unceasingly to keep roads open.  Where available, M-29's are
used with excellent success for evacuation and supply, but their number was few.  Litters were
attached to skis to expedite evacuation in forward areas and were used also to haul supplies
forward, reducing the number of men needed for carrying parties.  Skis were attached to Cub
planes to permit artillery observation to continue despite snow-covered terrain.  Thanks were
whitewashed for camouflage and it worked well but near-zero temperatures and drifting snow
caused much mechanical trouble for both tanks and TDs.  Withal, armor support as well as
accurate artillery fire were again invaluable in crushing the enemy defense.
Again the infantry had done its part magnificently and born the brunt of the Division effort. 
Gradually "winterizev" as, first, captured German underwear, and later, snow garments were
issued, followed by shoepacs and a trigger modification on the  M-1 rifle for firing with gloves