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The situation confronting 2nd Battalion had not improved.  The Germans continued to throw a
hail of fire across at the assault companies, (F and G), which they answered with mortar,
bazooka, small arms and artillery fire.  Finally, Company E, in reserve, crossed the river below
STOUBACH and outflanked STUPBACH from the South capturing the town and 45 prisoners in
This attack broke the enemy resistance which slackened rapidly in this area.  Following up its
advantage the Battalion crossud F and G Companies while 1st Battalion crossed just above. 
Both battalions then struck out for the high ground overlooking the river.
Company I was left to contain at WEWELER while the rest of 3rd Battalion was brought South
to cross in trace of the 2nd Battalion.
359th Infantry:
Moved 3rd Battalion 0800 to vicinity BURG-RUELAND.  Battalion contacted 12th Infantry
Regiment of 4th Division and sent patrols to STEFFESHAUSEN and AUEL.  Both patrols made
contact, receiving small arms and mortar fire.
In the afternoon, 1st Battalion moved to WILWERGANGE at 1430.
By day's end, having crossed the OUR RIVER, the 90th Division in part at once more battered
and opening into the Reich -- the first unit in the Corps to reenter Germany after Von Rundstedt's
grab had been rebuffed.  The next several days would see this opening wedge expanded and
driven deeper and until the entire division would stand on German soil.  This was historic
country at the juncture of LUXEMBOURG, BELGIUM and GERMANY.  Twice the Germans
had ridden roughshod through this passage to the West: in 1940 and more recently in the
breakthrough.  Now, his gamble ended in disheartening failure, Von Rundstedt had pulled his
elite -- but battered -- divisions back to the security of the West Wall, leaving Volksgrenadier
along the German border to breast the rising tide of Allied might and to cover the withdrawal of
the major forces.
30 January 1945
357th Infantry:
315th Engineer Battalion worked all night to make a passable ford at [Page
28]WELCHENHAUSEN.  They hauled rocks and removed mines from the approaches and the
water itself despite artillery and mortar fire.  Shortly after daylight three tanks crossed, which
tore up the bottom so that further crossings of armor had to be postponed.
The Regiment itself consolidated positions.  Company F closed up on left of Company G and
one platoon Company E, reinforced later by the rest of the company, moved to Company F's left
in order to contact 358th.  Contact was not gained as enemy on both flanks and front continued
to resist.  Company K, attached to 2nd Battalion, shifted to WELCHENHAUSEN as Battalion