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90th Reconnaissance Troop:
Assembled at MALSHEID since 358th Infantry now had direct contact with 87th Infantry
Division at BURG-REULAND.  Troop reconnoitered the 357th's positions South of LEILER
prepared to take over on Division order.
29 January 1945
Throughout the dark hours the assault Battalions floundered through deep snow to get troops and
bridging materials to the river's edge in preparation for the morning's attack.  The night was
almost as bright as day but the Hills, sloping precipitously to the Valley, considerably slowed the
advance.  Such roads as once existed were blanketed with snow and were unusable.  Engineers
worked throughout the night to clear a road down to each Regiment's zone.
And 0600 the 2nd Battalion left its assembly area with Company E on the left and Company G
on the right.  As Company E approached the river, they met Germans entrenched on the West
side.  A brisk firefight ensued for several hours.  The enemy dug in West of OBERHAUSEN
fired on Company G as they came near the town.  The company deployed and fought back,
overcoming the opposition, and entered OBERHAUSEN where they cleaned out the north end of
town.  70 prisoners were captured.
From across the river the Germans opened up with artillery, mortar, and small arms fire and
stopped attempts to cross at this site.  Swinging South of OBERHAUSEN, Companies G and  F
crossed the river into Germany without engineer equipment and moved toward the high ground
Southeast of WELCHENHAUSEN.  Company E forced the crossing 800 yards North of the
town and closed in from that direction.  Confronted with this encirclement, the Germans fought
more furiously but finally surrendered in late afternoon.  Eight PWs were taken during the
operation.  Company G had gained the high ground Southeast of WELCHENHAUSEN with
Company F tied in on their right.  Company E remained at WELCHENHAUSEN.
On the West Bank of the OUR, the Regiment's right boundary was changed and 90th
Reconnaissance took over the area South from LEILER to the Division boundary.  1st Battalion,
relieved thereby, left one platoon, Company B on the line while the Battalion (-) assembled at
WEISWAMPACH as regimental reserve.  Company K also remained in WEISWAMPACH. 
The rest of the 3rd Battalion was spread along the West Bank of the OUR.
358th Infantry:
As light came, the Germans fired mortar, artillery, small arms and high velocity fire from across
the river into WEWELER and STOUBACH.  Because of bad communications, the smoke which
3rd Battalion had planned to cover their crossing was not fired and left [Page 27] the crossing
site exposed to the murderous fire of the enemy.  With communication restored, the smoke was
fired in 1420 and Company I started across but was immediately engaged in a heavy firefight. 
On regimental order the crossing was halted and the Battalion waited further orders.