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Division CP opened at battered HARLANGE, LUXEMBOURG, at 1400.
90th Reconnaissance Troop continued to maintain contact between 358th Infantry and 6th
Armored Division.
14 January 1945
Division had joined hands with the 6th Armored Division and 35th Infantry Division attacking
from the West.  The salient was sheared off and Corps now called for resumption of attack to the
Northeast.  Redisposition of units was accomplished as Division sidesliped into its new sector
with 6th Armored division on its left, 26th holding on the right and 35th Division in Corps
reserve.  [Page 12]
358th Infantry:
Patrols to the front kept enemy contact and brought back several prisoners.  Contact patrols
between 2nd and 3rd Battalion gathered up 14 more PWs.  In the morning 2nd Battalion joined
3rd Battalion on Hill 530.  Both 2nd and 3rd Battalions attacked in the afternoon toward their
new objective vicinity NEIDERWAMPACH.  2nd Battalion cleared to the railroad tracks but as
it crossed received intense fire from tanks, SP guns, and infantry.  One TD and one tank were
knocked out and leaving one platoon of Company E across the tracks, the remainder of the
Battalion disposed generally just South of the tracks.  Captured 32 PWs in a building at
vP626575.  3rd Battalion became heavily engaged and fought every yard of the way through the
thick woods.  As the enemy were forced back, they shelled the Battalion areas unceasingly.  By
dark 3rd Battalion was echeloned to the right rear of 2nd Battalion and still fighting on into the
357th Infantry:
Continued to send strong combat patrols forward in zone capturing PWs.  In the afternoon 2nd
Battalion attacked on right of 358th Infantry meeting only light resistance.  Battalion halted with
three Companies, E, G, F, online from left and right; tied in with 3rd Battalion who remained on
Hill 510.  Company B was attached to 2nd Battalion as reserve while 1st Battalion (-) remained
359th Infantry:
The regiment remained at BOULAIDE as Division Reserve, but received morning orders to be
ready to assemble vicinity WARDIN prepared for unemployment on Division left flank.
15 January 1945
358th Infantry: 
The attack to the Northeast was resumed at 0800.  2nd Battalion, with so much open ground on
its left covered by a assault gunfire, did not venture more than a platoon beyond the railroad