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Immediately upon arrival at the station the men were dismissed until 9:30 o’clock and
permitted to spend that time with their relatives and friends.  Starting at 10 o’clock the regiment
paraded through the main streets of the city of Houston.  A heavy rain was falling at the time and
rain coats and helmets were worn.  Notwithstanding the rain the streets were so packed with
people anxious to see the only real combat organization that had returned to them that at places
the platoon columns had difficulty in making the passage.  The regiment was formed with
companies in the order of letter designation, Colonel Price and his staff and the band leading. 
The first battalion was commanded by Major Hall Etter, the second battalion by Captain Charles
D. Birkhead, and the third battalion by Captain J. Schmidt. 
The parade ended at the city auditorium, where the entire regiment was seated for brief
ceremonies arranged by the 360th Infantry Homecoming Association.  From the genuineness of
the welcome that was there extended every member of the organization was assured of the place
of honor and esteem that he held in the hearts of those present. 
At the conclusion of the exercises at the Auditorium the men ware dismissed with
instructions to assemble at their respective trains at midnight.  For the remainder of the day
everything in Houston was open and free for the soldiers.  And at the Auditorium that night there
was staged for the regiment the biggest dance that was ever staged in the city of Houston. 
Promptly at 12 o’clock every man was in his place on his proper train. 
The last train of the regiment arrived at the Southern Pacific station, San Antonio, at 3 p.
m., June 17.  The regiment was immediately formed for parade in the same order as on the day
before.  San Antonio, accustomed to military parades for years, felt in this a new interest, and the
biggest crowd that every witnessed a parade in the city thronged the streets and cheered the
marching doughboys.  A big arch had been constructed on the plaza in front of the Alamo, and
through this arch the regiment marched at the conclusion of the parade.  The line of march on
each side approaching the arch was lined with pretty girls who threw flowers beneath the feet of
the marching troops. 
At 6 o’clock the trains left the Southern Pacific station for Camp Travis, and at 7 o’clock
the troops were in barracks in the demobilization area. 
On the morning of Jane 18 the demobilization started, and on the morning of the 19th the
first men received their discharges and left for their homes.  The demobilization was completed
and the regiment ceased to exist June 21, 1919. 
Within a period covering less than two years these men had come  from the peaceful
pursuits of civil life, and by the exercise of their native talents with a courageous and
unconquerable spirit had taken their place in the first rank of the soldiers of all time.  The victory
was complete and their work was done.  As the result of their training and experience they are
carrying with them as they return to their homes a deeper and broader appreciation and
understanding of their responsibilities as American citizens than they had before; and henceforth
in their lives and conduct they will be directed by a renewed energy and guided by a keener
vision than was possible for them except as the result of the great conflict from which they have
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