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closed up and the two units settled together for the night.  2nd Battalion remained at
WINCRANGE, 1st Battalion at LULLANGE and 3rd Battalion vicinity Road junction
vE111648.  Patrols to the front contacted enemy outposts.
357th Infantry: 
Moved by motor to BASTOGNE.  3rd Battalion, relieved by passage of 328th Infantry, joined its
unit at the same town.
90th Reconnaissance Troop:
Shifted to right flank to maintain contact between and 1st Battalion, 358 Peltier Infantry, and
359th Infantry.  [Page 20]
22 January 1945
359th Infantry:
The Regiment swung fan-wise to clear and occupy STOCKEM, RUMLANGE, DONNANGE
and DEIFELT.  1st and 3rd Battalions patrolled to the East, maintaining enemy contact.
358th Infantry:
Pinched out by action of 359th Infantry, the Regiment's 1st Battalion reverted to Division
Reserve.  3rd Battalion motored to BASTOGNE.  1st Battalion, under Division control, held its
positions until uncovered by advance of the 26th Infantry Division at 1130.
357th Infantry:
Moving by motor, 1st Battalions staged to vicinity HAMIVILLE where it detrucked, continuing
to the Northeast on foot.  By dark 1st Battalion was at ASSELBORN, Companies B and C
continuing to SASSEL.
2nd Battalion motored to vicinity ASSELBORN, then marched Southeast to BOXHORN where
G  and F Companies remain to lead the.  Company E secured and occupied the woods at
vP767677, following a brisk fire fight with a small enemy group.  Division CP crossed the
border and occupied WARDIN, BELGIUM at 1100.
23 January 1945
359th Infantry:
Attack at 0900 to seize the high ground in the BISCHENT WOODS and hold until relieved by
6th Cavalry Group who were moving up on the Division right to pinch out the 26th Infantry
Division.  Company K occupied the objective at 1500.