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For artillery and Air Corps it was a fete.  Visibility was unlimited as skies cleared of snow.  P47s 
strafed enemy columns and directed artillery concentrations when their ammunition ran out. 
Troop and tank concentrations Northeast of ALLERBORN were trapped and pummeled.  Enemy
columns traveling North and East were victims of prolonged concentrations.  All routes,
assembly points and enemy towns were interdicted.
17 January 1945
359th Infantry:
3rd Battalion moved from BENONCHAMPS in the great morning hours prepared to attack
through the 2nd Battalion and seize the nose and woods at (vP664598).  Upon capture of this
objective it was intended that 2nd Battalion would take over and 3rd Battalion would continue on
to cut the road.
The 3rd Battalion closed at OBERWAMPACH at 0800 and sent patrols to the front.  At the old
mill (vP661598) one patrol caught 4 PWs and drew fire from the woods beyond.  The attack was
planned for late morning that was postponed as enemy activity sharply increased in the form of
heavy vehicular movement and counterattacks in vicinity OBERWAMPACH.
358th Infantry: 
At 0330 the Germans suddenly attacked OBERWAMPACH.  Some 40 men of 1st SS Division
one tank and three assault guns entered the town firing their weapons and yelling at the top of
their voices.  Unfortunately for them the first few buildings were unoccupied and noise served
only to further alert the waiting infantryman of the 1st Battalion who called for prepared fires
and quickly repulsed the attack.  The enemy tanks and survivors withdrew.  At daylight the
Battalion 22 dead SS and found 3 wounded who were promptly captured.
Both 1st and 2nd Battalions sent reconnaissance patrols to the high ground Southeast of
SHIMPACH and OBERWAMPACH and found the enemy entrenched along the forward slopes
of the twin knobs.
3rd Battalion 358th with 3rd Battalion 357th combed out the wooded area South of the railroad
track, harassed as they did so by enemy observing from the high ground across the river who
directed mortar and artillery fire on them.  The three tunnels which had been sore spots
previously were now vacant and bare, save for debris and water.
At 0900 the enemy attacked again from the Northeast with tanks and infantry.  A TOT of 14
battalions of artillery had been prepared [Page 16] for 359th's debouchment to the high ground. 
This fire was immediately called for and crushed the attack as it moved in.  The tanks withdrew
and the infantry fled to the woods.
Another attack followed at 1030 to receive similar treatment.  In 1300 elements of the 2nd
Panzer Division, formed into KG GUTMAN, attacked OBERWAMPACH from the North with
the mission of seizing the village, holding it and establishing 3 75 mm AT guns and 5 120 mm