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23 March - 9 May 1945
On the 23-24th the RHINE was crossed at OPPENHEIM and the attack on FRANKFURT began.
TF SPIESS captured DARMSTADT and shortly the cities of FRANKFURT and HANAU fell. During
the last days of March the Division sped northwards to HERSFELD, through the weakening Wehrmacht
defenses. Swinging East on the 1st of April the Division raced ahead with lightning thrusts, encircling
and capturing large forces of the enemy. VACHA-BAD SALZUNGEN and ZELLA MEHLIS fell. The
famous Salt Mine at MERKERS was captured with over 100 tons of gold bullion and billions in
currency. "A" Company was p1aced on guard of this THIRD ARMY treasure that comprised the major
wealth of the German Reich. On to the Lake region near LOBESTEIN and the first penetration of
CZECHOSLOVAKIA by a small 90th Division task force p1us the 2nd platoon of B Company. On
April 12th The INTERIOR DEFENSE CORPS was formed, consisting of HQS and HQS Company of
the 773rd, and the AT and Cannon Companies of the 357th Infantry. With LT. COL. FRANK G.
SPIESS in command, they performed ably in protecting important installations and roads in the Division
zone. As the last week in April approached, the Division was advancing southeast paralleling the
CZECH to REGEN. Turning to the northeast and entering CZECHOSLOVAKIA the move continued
until with the end of the war, all elements were in the general vicinity PETROVICE and SUSICE. May
3rd, two more Mark VI's were knocked-out. MAY 4th the 11th Panzer Division surrendered intact. May
9th, the war in the ETO ended as of 090001B May 1945. May 14th the battalion left
CZECHOSLOVAKIA to take up it's new duties as occupation troops and border guards in
Tanks Kayoed
SP Guns Kayoed
Pill Boxes Kayoed
Rounds fired, Direct Fire
Days in combat 
PsW taken
Battle Casualties
Non-battle Casualties
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