Important Information about requesting information via the internet.......

To post information here, just email the webmaster or go to the Viewer feedback section  and we'll post your request for information here.  Please leave your address or email address for possible responses. We will also publish your query in our quarterly newsletter for members without internet access to see.

Webmaster Email and mailing address:

Dennis E. Foye
30 Plain St.
Middleboro, Ma 02346


When you request a posting on this page, you need to submit your email address and or your mailing address for future possible responses to your request from someone who sees it.

The great part about this method of inquiry is that it opens up a world of possible sources for the information for which you are looking.

The unfortunate part is, that this world has some not so desirable people who sometimes take advantage of others.

Please be wary of anyone who says they will provide you information FOR A FEE on the subject that you inquired about. There are many, many honest people who are in the business of providing fee based data, but there are some who are not so honest about how they do business.

If you are contacted by a person who says they'll research your information for a fee, please be sure to check them out thoroughly before contracting with them.  If you have any doubts about their legitimacy, please contact the 90th Division Association secretary. We may have information that will help you determine the legitimacy of the 'researcher'.

For information concerning military records, please click here.

The 90th Division Association cannot be responsible for the accuracy or legitimacy of any responses to your inquiry that you may receive.


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