In the years to come, as historians delve into the archives and combat records of World War II, they will certainly become increasingly aware of the vital role played by the 90th Infantry Division in that conflict. It is for them to measure, for them to evaluate the importance of the 90th's deeds. This book, written soon after hostilities, cannot hope to make such evaluations accurately, for only time can lend the perspective necessary for such a task.

It is not the purpose of this history, therefore, to praise or boast. The purpose is rather to describe objectively the combat experience of the 90th Division. We repeat the words of Marc Anthony... "Here I am to say what I do know".

Approximately 30,000 men have worn the Division shoulder patch since the unit's inception. Each has just cause to be proud ; each has reason to say that he contributed in concrete manner to a victory fashioned out of blood and bravery.

Those who survived the conflict will return to their homes secure in the knowledge that they have ably fought for and supported a just cause. Forever after they will retain warm memories of their comrades in arms ; and forever they will recall with sadness and pride those who contributed selflessly "to the last full measure of devotion".

To those who served in the 90th's ranks, bore their burdens, defied the very arms of Death, and smashed a ruthless enemy under conditions of unimaginable adversity there is gratitude, not only from their fellow countrymen, but also from the countless millions who have seen the shackles torn from the limbs of the enslaved peoples of Europe.

It is, therefore, with a sense of humility that this book is being issued. For it is clearly recognized that these chapters are wholly inadequate to capture the feel and texture of so much as a single moment.

To the men of the 90th, wherever this book may find you, well done and... good luck.

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